Horizon Travel, 118, Mahatma Gandhi street, Bishkek, 720014, Kyrgyz Republic.
Fishing, variant - 1

The small distances between the mountain rivers and the lakes permits making a combination of the places of fishing.  Organized by manager Sergey Toropov and his team of specialists.

In Kyrgyzstan fish from the mountain rivers (Salmo trutta oxuanus, S.t. issykulogegarcuni, Dypticus, Schizothorax etc.) and the lakes (many kinds) are available.

Most important fishing places are: 
- Mountainrivers in the basin of the river Naryn
- Mountainrivers in the basin of the river Chuy
- Mountainrivers in the basin of the Issyk Kul lake and others.

It's possible to make a combination of fishing for 2-3 days in one place (or more) and then continue the fishing in another place.

Service: accommodation (hotels, tents and local yurts); fisher instructor/guide/interpreter; license for fishing; transportation to/from the places; cooking facilities, f/b all days; all formalities needed for a trip in Kyrgyzstan, and more, on request.

Season: between the 20th of March till the 15th of June, and the 15th of August till the end of October.
