Horizon Travel, 118, Mahatma Gandhi street, Bishkek, 720014, Kyrgyz Republic.

Kyrgyzstan is an ecological clean country and is rich in wild and calm rivers, an ideal place for the persons who have fishing as their hobby. The country is sparsely populated and the core sector of the economy is agriculture and farming. The rivers and lakes for fishing are situated in a unique environment of mountains and canyons.

The small distances between the mountain rivers and the lakes permits making a combination of the places of fishing.

Fishing, variant - 2
Horizon Travel organizes one day tour of fishing in the mountain rivers in the Bishkek environs.
Fishing, variant - 1
In Kyrgyzstan fish from the mountain rivers (Salmo trutta oxuanus, S.t. issykulogegarcuni, Dypticus, Schizothorax etc.) and the lakes (many kinds) are available.